Wireless Network Service

Two different kinds of wireless network broadcasting services are provided to the students, staff and guests of our university by Information Technologies Department. These are;

1. "dpu kurumsal (institutional)" network;

By using your e-mail address and password that are automatically assigned by the Information Technologies Department, you can connect to the dpu-kurumsal (institutional) wireless network without any additional requirement. After you have connected to this network, your web browser will ask you to enter your e-mail address and password. So, you will be recognized and your internet access will be provided. (You may be prompted for your username and password again at certain intervals.)

Your institutional mail address;

For the staff; name.surname@dpu.edu.tr
For the student; name.surname@ogr.dpu.edu.tr
For the guest; name.surname@misafir.dpu.edu.tr

2. "eduroam" wireless network;

Both in national universities and international universities that are involved in international wireless network, you can connect to the eduroam network after you have made the necessary settings for once. First of all: you have to connect to the dpu-kurumsal network and make the necessary settings for the eduroam wireless network on the "Wireless Network Settings" page.

You can connect to Dumlupınar University Wireless Network System by selecting the appropriate entry from the "Wireless Network Settings" section above and making the necessary adjustments.

Click for detailed information about network broadcasts.

Last Update Date: 28 August 2018, Tuesday